HTML Markup and CSS Style
Below are the global design choices that are reflected on each page of These include color, typefaces and font sizes. Beyond these global styles are the HTML element styles. Each pane below contains a logical grouping of HTML elemements and their respective styles.
These exclude heading sizes
Form created with Gravity Forms plugin
Subheading for H1s
Subheading for H2s
Subheading for H3s
Subheading for H1s
Subheading for H3s
Subheading for H2s
First Name | Last Name | Occupation |
John | Doe | Designer |
Jane | Doe | Developer |
Jim | Doe | Administrator |
Hover over table row to see additional effect
First Name | Last Name | Occupation |
John | Doe | Designer |
Jane | Doe | Developer |
Jim | Doe | Administrator |
First Name | Last Name | Occupation |
John | Doe | Designer |
Jane | Doe | Developer |
Jim | Doe | Administrator |
First Name | Last Name | Occupation |
John | Doe | Designer |
Jane | Doe | Developer |
Jim | Doe | Administrator |